Fall Session 2024

From 21st October, 2024 to 25th October, 2024

πŸ‘‰ Join the live sessions or watch the replays

πŸ‘‰ 5 Days - 36 Hours
πŸ‘‰ Live Sessions from 10:00 AM EDT
πŸ‘‰ Practical Abaqus Fundamentals (3 days)
πŸ‘‰ Advanced Abaqus Methodologies (2 days)

πŸ‘‰ Hands-on demonstrations
πŸ‘‰ Do not simply watch us performing the demos on screen; follow along and try it out yourself

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
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Deep Dive into the Universal Modeling Techniques and ABAQUS
with a Single Course

πŸ‘‰ Get an edge over other engineers
πŸ‘‰ Get confidence in your results
πŸ‘‰ Become a more versatile engineer
πŸ‘‰ Understand basic & advanced FEA in detail
πŸ‘‰ Learn what the solver is doing in the background
πŸ‘‰ Expand your career opportunities
πŸ‘‰ Improve your versatility

Learn Modeling Techniques

with Dominique Madier (FEA Academy)

A complete program to learn and master the universal FEA modeling techniques while giving you the best practical methods, guidelines for BASIC & NONLINEAR FEA.
Learn Modeling Techniques

ABAQUS Demonstrations

with Dr Sai Hamsini Kosaraju (Fidelis)

The modeling techniques in action with Abaqus
FEA Workflows

Course Curriculum

From 21st October, 2024 to 25th October, 2024

    1. Course Presentation

    2. Three Questions About You

    1. FEA Live Course - Day #1 - Practical Abaqus Fundamentals

    2. Quiz #1: Basics of FEA

    3. Quiz #2: Defining Your FEA Strategy

    4. Quiz #3: The Library of Elements and Meshing

    1. Day #2 - Practical Abaqus Fundamentals

    2. Quiz #4: Boundary Conditions

    3. Quiz #5: Understanding FEM Outputs

    4. Quiz #6: Linear Static Analysis

    5. Quiz #7: Verification & Validation

    6. Quiz #8: RBEs

    1. Day #3 - Practical Abaqus Fundamentals

    2. Quiz #9: Modeling Bolted Joints

    3. Quiz #10: Linear Buckling Analysis

    4. Quiz #11: Modal Analysis

    5. Quiz #12: How to Use the Right Solution?

    1. Day #4 - Advanced Abaqus Methodologies

    2. Quiz #1: Introduction to Nonlinear FEA

    3. Quiz #2: Geometric Nonlinearity

    4. Quiz #3: Material Nonlinearity

    1. Day #5 - Advanced Abaqus Methodologies

    2. Quiz #4: Contact Modeling

    3. Quiz #5: Boundary Nonlinearity

    4. Quiz #5: Computing Nonlinear Solutions

    5. Quiz #6: General Recommandations

    6. Quiz #7: Nonlinear buckling

  • 5 days from 10:00 AM EDT
  • 36 hours total
  • Online Live

Your instructors

Dominique Madier

| FEA Analyst | FEA Trainer | Book Author | Speaker |
| Founder & Director of FEA Academy & FEA Experts |

πŸ‘‰ Senior FEA consultant, trainer and coach with 25+ years of experience in FEA.

πŸ‘‰ He has an advanced expertise in Finite Element Analysis (FEA) of static and dynamic problems for linear and nonlinear structural behaviors on aerospace metallic and composite structures such as aircraft fuselage, wing, empennage, nacelle, engine pylon and systems.

πŸ‘‰ Dominique conducted detailed finite element analyses for aerospace companies in Europe and in North America: Airbus, Dassault Aviation, Safran, Bell Helicopter, Bombardier Aerospace, Pratt & Whitney Canada, Beta Technologies, and their subcontractors.

πŸ‘‰ He is the author of the books β€œPractical Finite Element Analysis for Mechanical Engineer” and "Harness the Power of FEA", which provide practical methods and guidelines for engineers and students in developing and validating finite element models. Additionally, these books offer valuable insights for technical managers on building and managing effective FEA teams.

πŸ‘‰ Dominique is the founder & director of FEA Academy and FEA Experts, companies offering FEA Consulting Services as well as FEA Training, Coaching and Mentoring Services.

Sai Hamsini Kosaraju

CAE/FEA Project Engineer

πŸ‘‰ Currently working as a CAE/FEA Project Engineer at Fidelis for 2.5 years.

πŸ‘‰ As the technical project lead, she engages with customers to fully understand their simulation requirements and determine the project scope, material model requirements, interactions, loading, boundary conditions and project time frame.

πŸ‘‰ She works on projects within various industries including aerospace, medical, nuclear, manufacturing and automotive.

πŸ‘‰ Sai earned her PhD and master’s degrees from Clemson University and has a specialization in Computational Mechanics and FEA.

πŸ‘‰ Sai has expertise in solving boundary value problems in theory of elasticity, continuum plasticity, applied solid mechanics and homogenization of periodic lattice topologies.

πŸ‘‰ She is also proficient in formulating and programming finite element analysis code for beams, solids, plates, and shells including geometric and material nonlinearities, and failure.